By Unknown Jumat, 27 Maret 2015 anomaly Arctic heat methane ocean rise temperature Methane Levels Early 2015 The image below shows highest mean methane readings on one day, i.e. March 10, compared between three years, i.e. 2013, 2014 and 2015, at se...
By Unknown Minggu, 15 Maret 2015 Arctic extent maximum sea ice waves winds Strong Winds And Waves Batter Arctic Sea Ice As Earth warms, the intensity of storms is rising across the globe. At least eight people died in Vanuatu, as it was hit by Cyclone Pam. ...
By Unknown Senin, 09 Maret 2015 Arctic extinction methane rise sea ice temperature Veli Albert Kallio September 2015 without Arctic Sea Ice? The image below shows that Arctic sea ice extent, on March 8, 2015, was merely 14.263 square km. What would happen if the Arctic sea ice kep...
By Unknown Jumat, 06 Maret 2015 action AMEG Arctic Methane Emergency Group geoengineering John Nissen methane sea ice Save the Arctic sea ice while we still can! The Arctic Ocean is coming close to complete summer meltdown, writes John Nissen - indeed it could happen as soon as September, triggering a...
By Unknown 00.20 anomaly Arctic extent methane sea ice SST wind March 4, 2015 - Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hits Record Low Sea surface temperature anomalies as high as 12°C (21.6°F) recorded off the east coast of North America have been described earlier, in he p...